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Emilia-Romagna in pictures

Albana ripening on the vine at Fattoria Monticino Rosso in Romagna.

The winery’s owner, Luciano Zeoli, with one of his dogs in a Sangiovese plot. Many parts of the Romagna will begin harvesting this week/early next week, later than last year but on average around the normal time.

The Rocca Sforzesca in Dozza, once the palace of the influential Renaissance family, now belonging to the Enoteca Regionale Emilia Romagna. A tasting (below) for local restaurateurs was in progress in a small courtyard.

Wall paintings in Dozza. The town is famous for inviting artists every year to add fresh murals – which can range from the charming, Picasso-esque, sketches above, to the, almost alarming – below.

The view from Villa Venti near Rimini. The countryside in the foothills of the Appenines can only be described as being out of a fairy tale or perhaps a toy set.

On the other side of the hill. A view from the town of Bertinoro where the hills give way to the plains which stretch down to the Adriatic which is perhaps dimly visible in the horizon as a thin strip of blue and which was certainly more distinct in situ.

A slightly hellish glimpse into a tank that had just been emptied of both wine and cap at the Celli cellars in Bertinoro. Unlike further up near Bologna, in the east of the region the harvest is well underway and even complete in some places – getting ready to be put into barrels like last year’s vintage (below).

Mauro Sirri of Celli with a freshly harvested crop of Trebbiano.

In the field behind him…

…more Trebbiano, basking in the evening sunlight…

…waited its turn.

Bertinoro. On the left hand hill there still stands a castle/bishop’s palace. On the right hand, where stands the 20th century’s great architectural contributions to mankind, a radio/mobile phone mast,used to be a monastery.

Inspired by the view, photographer Alfonso got out the latest technological marvel in the world of photojournalism, a small drone…

…which went up…

…up, up…

…and away on its photographic mission.

Fresh Lambrusco Gasparossa pours from the press at Tenuta Pederzana near Modena.

Winery owner Francesco Gibellini (and pretty close Ryan Gosling look-a-like) with the pressed cap.

Which, when removed from the press, resembles a sort of huge and quite possibly demented fruit cake.

And finally…catering to local tastes many wineries offer the chance to fill up straight from the tank. Bit more appealing than a few litres of unleaded…cheaper too probably.

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