The top 10 Scotch whisky brands
By Becky PaskinWith the value of global Scotch whisky sales increasing, we countdown the world’s 10 largest Scotch whisky brands.
Although the number of bottles of Scotch sold around the world actually fell in 2012, the value of sales grew by 1%. This is attributed to drinkers in the US and Asia turning to more expensive brands.
Blended whisky is still by far the biggest selling variant of Scotch, but the value of single malts increased by 4.5% in the last year and it has enjoyed a massive 190% growth over the past decade.
The growth of Scotch has been helped by its popularity in Asia, and China in particular, as well as in the US and across Eastern Europe.
But which are the biggest selling brands around the world? The number one seller may not come as a huge surprise, but as part of its 2013 Brand Champions series, our sister publication, The Spirits Business, revealed the top 10 Scotch sellers.
Click through the following pages to discover which are the world’s largest Scotch whisky brands.
10. Bell’s
2012 case sales: 2.5m
2011 case sales: 2.5m
Growth in 2012: 0%
Bell’s, the premium blended Scotch owned by Diageo, has maintained steady volumes over the past year.
9. Label 5
2012 case sales: 2.5m
2011 case sales: 2.5m
Growth in 2012: 0%
Label 5 blended Scotch whisky, which recently launched its CatchThe5 digital marketing campaign, has endured a couple of years of stagnant growth, but continues to be one of the most popular Scotch whiskies in several markets across the globe.
8. William Lawson’s
2012 case sales: 2.6m
2011 case sales: 2.3m
Growth in 2012: 13%
Having launched in Russia five years ago, William Lawson’s blended Scotch whisky has sailed past some of the world’s larger brands to become the country’s biggest imported spirit, with sales of almost a million cases last year.
The brand, onwed by Bacardi, has risen from 13th to eighth position in just five years.
7. Dewars
2012 case sales: 3m
2011 case sales: 3.2m
Growth in 2012: -6%
The Bacardi-owned blended Scotch, a hit amongst its American drinkers, shrank slightly in the past year, pushing it down from sixth position to seventh.
That all may change in the 2013 Brand Champions however, when sales of Dewar’s Highlander Honey – the first Scotch to add honey flavouring – are taken into account.
6. The Famous Grouse
2012 case sales: 3.2m
2011 case sales: 2.9m
Growth in 2012: 10%
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Product innovation in The Famous Grouse line-up has helped drive sales of the Edrington-owned brand in the last 12 months.
Its popular Snow Grouse and Black Grouse editions continue to do well in travel retail and the off-trade, while prime marketing investment has helped drive awareness of the brand around key gifting occasions.
5. William Grant’s
2012 case sales: 4.5m
2011 case sales: 5m
Growth in 2012: -10%
A hefty drop for William Grant & Sons’ namesake blended Scotch, which dropped 500,000 case sales in the last 12 months. However its wide sales gap from closest rivals Dewar’s and The Famous Grouse have ensured William Grant’s has kept its position as the world’s fifth largest Scotch whisky brand.
4. J & B Rare
2012 case sales: 4.6m
2011 case sales: 4.8m
Growth in 2012: -4%
A slight drop for Diageo’s J&B Rare blended Scotch brand, which counts the US as one of its largest markets along with South East Asia, and southern Europe, particularly Spain, France and Portugal.
3. Chivas Regal
2012 case sales: 4.8m
2011 case sales: 4.9m
Growth in 2012: -2%
Chivas Regal has continued to prove itself as a truly global brand, despite its first drop in sales since the recession hit in 2008.
The market-leading Scotch aged over 12 years in Europe and Asia Pacific, Chivas Regal remains only ever so slightly ahead of J&B Rare on the list of the world’s largest Scotch whisky brands, despite grabbing third position from William Grant’s this year.
2. Ballantine’s
2012 case sales: 5.8m
2011 case sales: 6.5m
Growth in 2012: -11%
Sales have drastically declined for the Pernod Ricard-owned brand in 2012, although Ballantine’s is still one million cases ahead of its nearest rival Ballantine’s, also owned by Pernod.
1. Johnnie Walker
2012 case sales: 19.7m
2011 case sales: 18m
Growth in 2012: 9%
Johnnie Walker, still strides ahead of the competition, has proven this year why it deserves to be the world’s largest Scotch whisky brand. An additional 1.7m case sales in 2012 have propelled the Diageo-owned brand even further ahead of its nearest rival Chivas Regal, which lags behind on 5.8m case sales.
A truly global brand, Johnnie Walker adopted colour coding from the start, giving consumers a clear ladder of products to choose from and encapsulating them within the Johnnie Walker family.
nice whiskey i know about this more?
bull sit
FIRSTLY………. learn how to SPELL THE PRODUCT. Whisky is from Scotland and Ireland. Whiskey is from the bladders of Americans. That’s the easiest way to remember the difference.
Whisky is the Scottish spelling, and whiskey is the Irish spelling. Look at a bottle of Jameson for example!
Then why on earth is Bells spelled Whiskey? We all knownthe origin. Are you wrong?
Sorry about that I do know how to spell but thank you for pointing it out. Trying to find somewhere I could by some for my a Christmas present for my husband. He likes DALMORE VALOURE if possible or from that family. Thank you
I believe that jonni walker has proved it’s superiority amongst other scotch drinks. My requirement is how to find other brands to buy quantities from, the supply will be for outside the UK.
Either you must be kidding or Johnnie is paying you a certain amount of money. Scotland has such a variety of delicious single malt whiskys and for sure Johnnie Walker is NOT the best of them. This is hillarious.,
You are so right!!! I have never heard of most of these brands.
Of course Johnnie Walker is not the best single malt, because it’s a BLEND, you uneducated dunce.
If I could like this comment, I would.
try the blue label u might change your mind
Blue label is shit compared to a lot of scotch wiskeys. Most people who don’t drink whiskey often will chose this because johnny walker is a more commercial brand. Personally (keyword:personally) I’d pick talisker over any johnny.
Do your own.,simply nothing more satisfying, a still can be purchased from home brew shops,add essences,just like the commercial distillers do,make it to your unike pallet taste,also can buy a essence pack to make your whisky just taste as good or bad as the commercial brands,but why would you ,? My friends who drink mine say it’s better than any from the shops,I have not purchased any branded whisky or for that matter any spirit for 10 years ,why should I when I like my own,cost around £5 a litre to make end of
Commercial brands ,you pay through the nose for, some unknown brands are just as good, they are all blended, so to say your choice is better,? It’s your pocket that’s being ripped ,as anything in this rip off Brit a in, but it’s down to the individual at least it’s your choice, bells is the worse for me,mine is the best as I do it to my taste ,My own bourbon too,is better than any commercial bought
Michael – Johnnie is a BLEND. You might not want to embarass yourself anymore.
This is merely a clarification. I agree that blended Scotch Whiskey cannot be compared to single malt. However, I found this comment to be in error because these ten Scotch Whiskeys are BLENDED, not single malt.
Didn’t say best, said biggest sellers
Thanks I saw that too. Its not so much about taste or whats best, its about what sells.
Blended Scotch is the single best selling variant as per the stats, that’s what this poll is about. You can’t compare a single malt to a blend. Hilarious!
Michael, read more carefully. This article is about sales numbers.
Without a doubt, the shitiest scotch list I have ever seen. I would touch any of those bottles with a stick. Please leave this to the adult or start drinking single malts!!
Lol Simon your such a pretentious double bag, learn to read man
No kidding. Blended scotch whiskeys can be excellent. This perception that blended scotch is somehow inherently inferior is just snobbery. It takes skill to create a high-quality scotch whether blended or single-malt. I enjoy both.
Funny that you spell whiskey as none of that comes from Scotland; Scotland produces whisky (note no “e” in it)…
Malt whisky is both a sophisticated and aquired taste; good blends are ok as cooking whisk(e)y, namely things to drink while you’re cooking! If that’s what you want, then you could do worse than Famous Grouse, original or black.
And he might want to edit the post before posting. He said he WOULD touch them with a stick. But as arrogant as he is, I think he probably meant to say WOULDN’T touch. Lol
I’ll pick double black its more thick to gallop and will stick….’
What a whisky this is yaar….
If this was a list that showed what the bums sitting on the park benches drink it would be spot on. The reason these 10 blended whiskies are sold more than the top shelf whiskies is because they’re cheap, and that’s the only reason, and they taste cheap too. Do you think that anyone that pays £15 for a bottle of grants would ever, ever spend upwards of £30 for one bottle of top shelf scotch whisky. No, because they’re so stupid that if they had £30 they’d just buy two bottles of grants. And they do, hence, your list !.
This is literally the first time I have ever left a comment on a website before; so congratulations, Michael. I don’t know what scotch whiskeys you’ve been drinking, but Johnnie Walker is, at the very least, a contender for the best. As with every alcoholic brand, Johnnie offers an affordable, low-shelf selection and a higher-end, top-shelf selection. Both of which are extremely competitive for their respective brackets. I will hear no more of these ridiculous allegations that Johnnie is “cheap”, “tastes cheap” and its drinkers being “stupid”.
I no longer drink. That said, when I did, it was all about the scotch. I’m surprised I don’t see Glenlivet or Glenfiddich represented here, but those are good decent single malts.
BUT if I were ever afforded the luxury of one more glass of scotch, you bet your hiney-ho it would be a glass of Chivas Regal, neat with two ice cubes. I can still taste that.
Lovely stuff, man. I miss it.
Yes Chivas is an excellent choice. Salud!
My fVT Whisky…………………..its Awwwwwsome
I drink ballantines and I love it.value taste whole package.
Oh my god ! I have never read comments from so many pretentious douche bags in my life ! I enjoy blended scotch, i dont think that drinking jonnie black label means i havent got a taste for “real scotch” only trolls, screen warriors & telephone tuff guys talk about how the only scotch is single malts… Heres a thought , save a few bucks on your next bottle and go downtown & see if you can convince a whore to turn you into an adult…
geeez you lot,why dont you all just get your own little cubicles and drink yourselves into such a stupor that you then dont care what some other totally irrelevent, obscure person thinks of your choices, there is plenty of room in the world for everyone and their choices…why so agro? especially over taste? if we were all the same , there’d only be “old rot gut” and no have your fave and live and let live! yeah?
well blended whiskey
I have been drinking whiskey since 35 years, Have tried most of the whiskies, but have finally settled down for Black Label n Glen Fiddish 12 years.
thanks for all the comments! As a new member in the Scotch drinking community by about 3 months, there’s a few you guys listed that I’d like to try out
Hi all I think black lable is no. 1 test very nice 12 year old
whisky test is sweet and miled
Definitely well put the common man…I suppose! For an ordinary casual drinker, it be good to settle up with glass or two of J&B. For a shot glass drinker, it would definitly go well with Johnnie Walker…And for the real high class sippin’ drinker, It be King with a bottle of Dalmore 40 Year Old Single Highland Malt Scotch Whisky…but you best have your pipe and smoke it too…neat and tidy, ladies and gentlemen.
Definitely well put for the common man…I suppose!
For the ordinary casual drinker, it be good to settle up with glass or two of J&B. For a shot glass drinker, it would definitly go well with Johnnie Walker…And for the real high class sippin’ drinker, It be King with a bottle of Dalmore 40 Year Old Single Highland Malt Scotch Whisky…but you best have your pipe and smoke it too all the while…neat and tidy: of course, ladies and gentlemen.
Gluais faicilleach le cupan làn.
-Gaelic Proverb
I enjoy a single malt. I keep some very expensive single malts. For my every day scotch I drink Bank Note, The reason, flavor! I think most of the single malts are over rated. They become the fall back position for people who are drinking to impress others more than for enjoyment. I was once a single malt snob. Now I very happily enjoy my favorite blend.
cheering up the scotch world
my fvt wisky
I have always drank single malt. But recently a friend turned me onto Ballantine. It is a great scotch considering its blended. And then to find out that is actually number 2 in the world. It was no big surprise.
This is ridiculous. Jonny Walker?
Seriously? U are flawed
Clearly stats highest seller, not best tasting. You mother fuckers ever pass a comprehension test?
One of the best whisky among all brands. I enjoyed drinking this with mixing light beer..
Mixing Scotch and Beer is an ancient drink called a “Boilermaker”. A beer glass of “your favorite Beer” and dropping a shot glass of “your favorite Scotch” in the beer. For all you guys and gals that love Scotch, if you’re looking for price you might think of purchasing a bottle of Scotch in the $80.00 dollar range or more than a hundred. You’ll find that for taste and smoothness it’s better to purchase a bottle in the Lamborghini and Ferrari range. But; who’s going to help you understand that better than yourself. It’s your wallet and what you shell out to purchase anything in life be it Scotch or a beaten down fixer upper of a car, you won’t know until you really think in terms of quality and perfection will you? And even then; it’s only perfect for you. Ever take a Homeless person to dinner at say the Elephant Bar or somewhere nicer? How about taking two of your neighborhood friends to BJ’s for dinner when for 46 years all they’ve ever eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner is tortillas, burritos, tacos, re-fried beans and rice! The Homeless person was more appreciative than the couple who had never experienced a nicer restaurant.
The best whisky black label
Can anyone suggest a very special whisky as a present for an 82 year old whisky drinker from Scotland. Do not suggest anything like Bells etc. I know he likes Glenfiddich but this is a special present so I want to buy him something that will impress and something that he will really love.
I would suggest the good old American Pappy Van Winkle. It would bring a tear to any Scotch’s eye…
You might try one of the best single malts I know of: MACALLAN single malt 12 years old or one of the older ones. I used to live in Angus Scotland and have tried many of them.
The Belvenie 12 is the best; I would not touch Johnny Walker Black even by a long pole!
You might want to spell Balvenie right before sharing your obviously valuable opinion. Johnny Walker Black is a very good whisky.
I’m a new whiskey drinker
I’ve been looking for a good whiskey to drink straight, I enjoy JD honey and wanting to know some brands that are sweet just like that!
If anyone can help please get in touch
I know this is about Scotch Whisky, but if you’re looking for a sweet, smooth whisky, try a rye whisky. Crown Royal is a Canadian rye whisky and it’s sweet (I’m Canadian and I prefer Scotch whisky as I don’t have much of a sweet tooth). Crown Royal introduced a maple infused whisky recently. I imagine it’s quite sweet.
Try Drambuie as a nightcap.
I have a bottle of Blavk & White Blended Scotch Whisky .It is a 4/5 Quart 100% Scotch Whiskies 86.8 Proof. Blended & Bottled by James Buchanan & Co. LTD.
Label says it was BY APPOINTMENT to H. M. THE KING
Is this have any value?
I love these point . i learn more and more about these whisky. one more thing just write here whisky’s name and country .then good for identityfay
Kingston blended scotch whisky, Robert mcKie Neil & co, Glasgow Scotland.
I have a really old bottle of this and wonder if anyone knows about it.
I fail to understand what the spat is all about. We cant be comparing apples with mangoes. Why r all those fools comparing the quality of single malt with that of a blend? The list takes into account only cases sold. The popularity. NOT the quality. It’s like arguing whether Rolls Royce is sold more or a Ford. Grow up guys, don’t mix quality with quantity
I’m surprised that no one mentioned OBAN…it’s an excellent single malt…
You can get license to produce whisky with the new brand “El Triomf I el Rodoli de la Gala I en Dali” by Salvador Dali.
More details you can see at
Salvador brand site
Chivas is the top-selling blended scotch in Europe and Asia.
For my taste, best blended Scotch, Ballantine’s by a mile. The best ‘Scotch type’ of whisky, the Welsh Penderyn, a bit sweet but very nice. Best style of whisky, American or Canadian Bourbon, by a mile. Best reasonably priced liqueur type of whisky to sip after a meal, Jim Beans ‘Red Stag’ (infused with black cherries). Best reasonably priced brand of any whisky to drink in a bar, Jack Daniels with ice.
I thought we were only talking about blends not single malt. Personally I prefer JW Black. I have tasted all JW but I stil prefer the Black label
Nice whisky
Can u send me daily mail about liquor?
Scotch is blended by people who understand true flavour and bouquet. It is like the blending of fine perfume. Single malts fall under the province of the poseurs. That fad will pass.
Chivas Regal over ice anytime,, Tho I Don’t Drink It Anymore I Only DO Mikes Hard Lemonade!! Easier On The LIver!!
The best is still macCallam
Mr.Walker’s Amber Restorative is, I hear, the best. If it is to be cut, should only be cut with good water. I will never forget the advice. If you are careful, enjoy the taste, your liver will deal with the alcohol. Simply sip.
I’m going to say something that’s going to leave a lot of absolutely seething with angry red burst blood vessels…distillation of wheat and rye barley etc was invented a long, long time ago, so far back that they did not understand about the methods of removing those foul nitrogen compounds that give grain distilled liqour it’s distinctive, disagreeable a la dogshit smell and flavour. They tried, but ultimately failed to remove it, so grew to accept it, and before long, tweaks were made and discovered that lead to a mellowing or modifying of this still ofensive flavour, and then of course you get the whole, mine is better than yours argument, but, ultimately, dogshit, or dogshit mixed with caramel or ice cream, is still dogshit. And that is where we are today….we like to fool ourselves A LOT when it comes to the “subtle, complex flavours” etc etc..there may be SOME truth in that…but I guarentee you, you could find those same flavours in said dogshit, if you wanted to badly enough. You cant have this argument with a vodka, well, not to any serious degree, because of the nature of such a drink, but distilled grains…’s why you get virgin drinker’s proclaiming (with all honesty) that it tastes bloody aweful…because said drinker has not “acuired” read “fooled” himself into finding these flavours acceptable. Moan and bitch all you like, but until you come to terms with the science and history and olfactory palate of the human being you are just another of the countless who have had the wool pulled so cleverly over your eyes….so dont be telling any of your comrades about how this tastes better than that…ultimately it is one big fat historic compromise that you have all bought into courtesy of peer pressure and history, and, dare I say, the subtle illusion of personal taste, but that’s another story……you lot have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes…no idea at all.
Bottom line, there’s no accounting for taste. You like what you like. It’s foolish to pretend you like something because you are told that’s it’s the best. I can drink brand A and like it, brand B and not like it, and brand C like as much as A. Brand B may be regarded as the best, but if you don’t like it, what does it matter? And if brand A is much more expensive as C, you’re a fool to spend more on something you like just as much. Never mind that the brands may be rated by the “experts” differently than what your own tastes and preferences dictate. If you like what others think is an inferior product, what difference does it make?
Well said, I am not guided by the brands but by my taste preference.
Some people such as yourself don’t like alcohol and usually drown whatever they are drinking with coke. To say whisky drinkers are drinking dogshit tells me you are an ignorant fool. Please develop more intelligence.
i don’t drink but my father does for last 35yrs…. in that sense.
and i bring him all brands from around world, which a decent earning guy can buy…. black label,chivas ,glenfeddich etc… is what he says……best is Glenfiddich for its true single malt taste…next in comes highland park, next comes in GLENLEVIT ….next in comes black label….chivas is up next……..Jack daniels is in different league as it tastes entirely different and gives more of kick and it has its own following……..these GANTS,F.GROUSE.. are more like daily drinking whiskeys…..these black label and chivas sells in more as they sell more in asia and whiskey culture is new in asia in that sense and higher income of the people pushes up the sale with marketing gimmicks…no doubt these are great whiskeys but GLEN is far superior tasting……individual opinions vary…
The best way drinking scotch or any whisky shots. Freeze ur bottle freeze ur galss. With no cubes grab ur glass pour ur choice of bottle from the freezer have it straight sip sip. It will taste amazing. I am sure lot of you guys tried, but guys who has not try it. You will be amazed that the same stuffy used to drink wid cubes and room temp alcohol and glasses from dishwasher.
Thanks you
Happy holidays and drink responsibly
Very nice
very nice teste
Hey…you can’t convince NY’ers that Chicago pizza is better, or vice versa. One likes what they like. PERIOD. If ya like single malts, drink it. Tell me this though.. if a blend is made of 30+ single malts…how the hell can it not cost more, given your interdependencies on other distilleries for THEIR single malt to make the damn blend?? Any way… I enjoy Asylah (a blend) and … Wait for it….Cluny…yep…just as good if not better (TO MY taste buds/all that matters) than Dewars. Don’t b a snob.
Super yr
Excuse me all the experts, I am only saying please try Glenfiddoch, just one block of ice in it, let us know what you think.
Never knew there are so many scotch whisky brands
which whiskey iis best to use to flaver bourbon balls?
I’ve been drinking Scotch whiskey for over 30 years and I still have to say Johnnie Walker red beats Johnnie Walker Black for me. But my best of all best is Ria J&B 3rd would be Glen deveron
A very informative blog written regarding whisky brands. Awaited for more blogs of yours.
Hi Paprika ,
i agree with Paprika that is was an outstanding informative post in the above ,but if you want to start a drink business of win then the best solution for you to visit a wholesale market for buying a lot of wine drinks on a retail price ,the most important information for you must check expiry date of wine bottles and also check brand label pasted on the wine bottles ,some time expiry date is not mentioned ,this types of bottles are not original and these are dangerous because the alcohol are high in this type of bottles and also damaged the nerves of brain so take care of your body and avoid to use non original wine bottles .
Hey Guys Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas, we are here to help you. I’ll appreciate it.
Get in touch!
Here you know everything about Best Scotch whisky brands .
a brief and informative blog about the whiskey ,keep up the good work.
You have created a perfect list of top scotch whiskey brands. I completely agree with your listing. Keep up the good work.
I tried William lawson. That’s really amazing. All our friend circle praises it. That’s really Very nice.
More is sold alone in india than whatever quantity is bottled in UK of the brand Johonnie Walker black label.