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Queen doubles cider production

The Queen’s Norfolk estate is to double the production of its cider.

Apple picking at Sandringham

The Sandringham-produced cider was first released in 2010 with a trial batch of 350 bottles, it was so popular that another 1,000-bottle release followed last year.

Production is now up to 2,000 bottles and a spokesman for the estate said that as sales were going well it was not impossible that production would grow further, “but it very much depends on keeping the quality,” he added, according to The Daily Telegraph.

The 6% cider is, for now, only sold from the Sandringham shop for £3.99 a bottle. Sandringham has been the home of the royal apple orchards for over 70 years and both the Queen and Prince Philip are known to take an active interest in all of the farm’s produce.

William, Duke of Cambridge, has also made known his like of cider and even had a cider apple named after him as a 21st birthday present – the Prince William.

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