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Budweiser ad banned over sex link

A Budweiser advert has been banned for linking alcohol to sexual success.

The radio commercial featured an American football coach giving a motivational talk before a lads’ night out.

The Advertising Standards Authority upheld a complaint about the advert against AB InBev, the British brewer of the American lager.

The 60-second promotion began with the ‘coach’ saying, “You were conceived on a night like tonight.”

The watchdog said: “The ad was likely to be understood as suggesting the group was preparing for an evening where alcohol would be drunk and during which the participants would have a great time, including the possibility of meeting a potential sexual partner.”

It also ordered AB InBev’s future promotions not to link alcohol to potential sexual success.

The company denied suggesting its beer led to sexual success and insisted it was ‘fully committed to the responsible marketing of its products’.

It added that the advert drew upon the ‘American values of optimism, free-spiritedness and a positive outlook’ and was designed ‘to capture the spirit of anticipation’.

The brewer said that the tone of the speaker’s voice was rousing but also wise and caring.

Earlier this year AB InBev slashed abv on their products in the UK.

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