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BIVB cancels UK 2012 tasting

The Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne (BIVB) has cancelled its generic UK trade tasting for 2012.

The BIVB announced that, after listening to feedback from both the trade and producers, it would suspend its Terroirs & Signatures de Bourgogne tasting pending a review of its activities in the UK.

A statement from the BIVB said: “Depending on the results, we will craft a new campaign which more accurately reflects the needs and wants of the UK wine market, as well as those of the producers and négociants in Burgundy.”

It suggested instead that the trade attend the Grands Jours de Bourgogne festival that is taking place in the region over the 19-24 March.

The announcement comes not long after the body for Chablis announced that it was to step up its campaign in the UK, which is now almost equal to that of France in terms of sales from the region.

Until the review is completed in the first quarter of 2012, the only major campaign in which Burgundy will appear will be Discover the Origin, which returns in January for a further three year run.

Tastings of the latest vintage organised by the merchants will also take place in January and will be covered by the drinks business but early indications point to a small vintage that is more variable than 2009 but with a clearer expression of site specifics, according Albert Bichot’s chief winemaker Alain Serveau.

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