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Miss Scotland unveils plough-to-pint ale

The Scottish Borders Brewery, a new set-up which claims to produce the only "plough-to-pint" beers in Scotland, has launched its first two cask ales. 

Wearing a dress made entirely of pheasant feathers, former Miss Scotland Lois Weathrup helped unveil “Game Bird”, a 4% amber ale, and “Foxy Blonde”, a 3.8% pale ale. After trialling in selected outlets on the Scottish Borders, both are now available in over 50 pubs.

Based near Ancrum, the Scottish Borders Brewery forms part of the 1,565-acre Chesters estate. Owner John Henderson decided to diversify away from farming by setting up a micro–brewery to make beer using the farm’s existing barley crop and plentiful water supply.

With the first fruits of this initiative now out on the market, Henderson reflected on its early success, saying: “As well as being popular with real ale enthusiasts we are also managing to convert lager and cider drinkers to our beers. They have an easy drinking style and have been developed to appeal to a broad customer base.

“Now we have two proven products available for sale we hope to attract orders from further afield including bars in Edinburgh, the Lothians and the North of England.”

The company now plans further product launches for later in the year, as well as looking into bottled versions in a bid to help broaden distribution.

Gabriel Savage, 22.03.2011

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