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Harveys campaign seeks to boost Sherry category

Maxxium UK is looking to drive UK Sherry sales by increasing its investment behind Harveys, Britain’s top-selling Sherry brand, with a new campaign which will encourage consumers to re-evaluate their perceptions of the drink.

"Harveys Half Hour" aims to recruit new consumers into the category and re-engage with existing drinkers, appealing to 30-60 year old women.

The campaign is spearheaded by an extensive sampling programme, encouraging consumers to take some "me time" every day. The campaign provides some ideas on how to to enjoy this time, including a new way of drinking Sherry – Harveys over ice with a slice of orange.

Across the year, Harveys intends to sample over 100,000 consumers with its new signature serve. The Harveys Half Hour campaign kicks off at the Ideal Home Show this month, at which Harveys is the exclusive drinks sponsor.

In Ideal Gardens, Harveys will create its very own "oasis of calm", where consumers will sample Sherry in a vintage garden designed by the Fleur de Guerre.

At the Harveys Cocktail Bar in the Ideal Woman area, visitors can enjoy a "Harveys Half Hour" and relax with one of the Harveys cocktails on offer.
To further stimulate growth in retail, Maxxium UK will release half a million Harveys Half Hour-themed packs over the course of the year, in addition to running activity in magazines, such as Waitrose Weekend and Sainsbury Magazine, supported with in-store sampling.
A dedicated website for the campaign,, went live earlier this month.

Maxxium UK marketing director Peter Sandstrom said: “As custodians of the UK’s number one Sherry with a following of almost 3 million drinkers, it is our duty to drive the category forward by demonstrating that Sherry is not only a versatile drink which can be enjoyed on a variety of occasions, but one which is a perfect partner for today’s busy lifestyles.

"Sherry is a huge and valuable asset for UK retailers worth £91 million and the need for Harveys to invest in premium activity to inspire renewed interest at the consistently lack-lustre fixture, is essential.

"As category captain, with over 200 years of expertise in Sherry production, we are best placed to lead the way in re-energising and re-generating such an important category. Our new Harveys Half Hour campaign and simple signature serve will do just this, offering consumers something new, exciting and, most importantly, deserving of a place within the drinks repertoire of the 21st century.”

Alan Lodge, 16.03.2011

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