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Gerard Basset seeks fresh blood

Master sommelier Gerard Basset is on the hunt for two new sommeliers at his Hotel TerraVina as the current incumbents prepare to move on to pastures new.

Laurent Richet and Laura Rhys will be leaving the New Forest hotel within weeks of one another in April after four and three years respectively at the establishment.

Both have had successful careers under Basset’s tutelage. Rhys was crowned Young UK Sommelier of the Year in 2008 and then UK Sommelier of the Year in 2009. She became a Master Sommelier in 2010 and is reportedly likely to go to California.

Richet also became a Master Sommelier last year and was part of the group that won the UK Gastronomy Team of the Year 2010. He is currently preparing for the UK Sommelier of the Year 2011 competition and has secured a position at the Sat Bains restaurant in Nottingham.

Basset said of his protégés in a statement: “Both have done a superb job for me and they have also achieved a lot during their time at Hotel TerraVina.

“However, it is time for them to go and further their careers and I can only wish them the very best of luck with that.

“Therefore, I need to find some replacements and what I am looking for, to start with, is one or two ambitious up-and-coming sommeliers who are perhaps in a number two position at the moment but who are almost ready for their first position as number one.

"I am looking for someone (or two people) who wants to learn and develop. A person who has as their priority the desire to become a great sommelier. A person who sees financial reward for later once he/she has achieved a high level of expertise. A person who is highly enthusiastic and passionate and who wants to work and learn with me.”

Rupert Millar, 08.03.2011

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