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Pinot Grigio bandwagon rolls on

Customer obsession with Pinot Grigio has led Hardys to add a version of the wine to its Varietal Range.

The Constellation brand’s addition of one of the fastest growing varietals in the UK, was brought into convenience and cash and carry outlets across the UK at the end of last month.

Speaking of the decision behind the wine’s launch, which is being targeted at Constellation’s “core routiner audience (midlife family established drinkers)”, Clare Griffiths, vice president of marketing for Constellation Europe, said: “The introduction of Pinot Grigio strengthens the range by delivering a varietal that is growing in consumer popularity.

“Hardys VR showcases uncomplicated wines that display true varietal character and the range now sells in excess of a million cases per year across on and off-trade outlets,” she added.

The wine’s launch is being supported by promotional activity at outlets including Budgens, Londis and Booker.

Hardys is currently growing by 26% in value sales year-on-year (MAT w/e 12.06.10, Nielsen).

Jane Parkinson, 02.08.2010

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