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On the road with the Field Kitchen

Devon-based veg box supplier Riverford Organic is taking the name of its on-site restaurant The Field Kitchen rather more literally this summer, with a tour into the British countryside.

Jane Baxter, the kitchen’s founder, eschewed the idea of opening a second permanent venue in favour of creating a yurt, benches and tables to take on the road along with the ethics of local produce, affordable set menus and shared dishes.

The travelling venue has seating for 80 and a wood burning stove for cooler evenings as well as the ability to pull down the walls for a more alfresco option.

Planned stops for the yurt, chefs, waiters and pot-washers include Mole End Farm in Kent from the 19-29 August and Bristol from 2 until 12 September.

Further halts will take place at the farms Baxter uses for her vegetables, the World of Arts Dance and Music Festival being held in Malmesbury in Wiltshire from 23 to 25 July and the Abergavenny Food Festival from the 18 to 19 September.

Cookery classes and workshops will also be run during the tour and tables of up to 10 can be booked by calling; +44 (0) 845 367 1155 or +44 (0) 1803 762 062.

Rupert Millar, 06.07.10

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