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Guinness brings it to life

Like a liquid Alan Sugar, but with less facial hair, Guinness has embarked on an initiative aimed at encouraging social entrepreneurial verve among 25-35 year-olds.

The UK’s leading stout has thrown its weight behind the Bring It To Life Awards which seek to champion people who have an inspirational urban generation idea that improves the local community.

The awards will also provide recipients with the support, skills and funding to create positive social ventures.

In backing the social venture, Guinness has breathed life back into the philanthropic values of its founder Arthur Guinness.

Last year, to commemorate the brand’s 250th year, Guinness set up the Arthur Guinness Fund that has donated more than £5m to community improving schemes around the world.

Paul Cornell, marketing manager for Guinness, said: “The Awards aim to help people realise their passions by providing them with the tools and support to really make things happen.”

Two levels of awards are available for entrepreneurs. 13 Catalyst Awards, each worth up to £2,200, are available for those who need the running costs to get their idea off the ground and six Development Awards, worth up to £15,000 each, are available for established social entrepreneurs to get their ventures fully operational.

Applicants can apply for an award at with the deadline for entries being 23 July.

Ben McFarland, 18.06.2010

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