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World Cup frenzy kicks off

Two South African brands are capitalising on World Cup fever by launching offers in UK retailers.

Arniston Bay will target convenience stores and independent cash and carries, while official FIFA World Cup sponsor Nederberg is launching a special edition duo in supermarket Morrisons.

Retailers selling the best-selling South African brand in the UK structured convenience sector, will promote Arniston Bay though free branded footballs which will feature in every 6-bottle case of Arniston Bay range Originals, while consumer promotions in convenience stores include the chance to win a beach holiday to South Africa.

At cash and carries, Arniston Bay will feature bespoke football activity including pallet wraps, stickers on outer cases and shelf-talkers to increase visibility and standout.

Barney Davis, brand and business development manager for the owners of Arniston Bay, said: “The objective of the promotion is to engage with our retailers and we hope it will set the trend for future Arniston Bay promotions.”

Meanwhile, supermarket Morrisons is gearing up to launch the special FIFA World Cup Nederberg promotion, which starts on 7 June, when the tournament kicks off.

The marketing initiative, which already features in independent retailers, includes a bottle each of Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc, a set which has been growing in international interest since it was launched late last year.

Nederberg’s global marketing director, Rudolph de Toit, said: “As the tournament draws closer, orders have been climbing and this is certainly true in the UK, one of our most significant markets.”

Jane Parkinson, 26.04.2010

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