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Wine brand unveils supper club

Casillero del Diablo is tapping into the recession-induced trend of entertaining at home by launching the Diablo Supper Club.

The club “phenomenon” will encourage customers to host dinner parties and to create bespoke dishes that match the Chilean brand’s wines.

The Diablo Supper Club’s website will act as the consumer-facing hub of the initiative as customers are invited to share their dinner party recipes, tailor-made to match the Concha y Toro brand’s wines.

Customers will also be encouraged to divulge their dinner party secrets and can compete to win seasonal prizes such as a dinner party with a twist at London cookery school Les Atelier des Chefs.

Commenting on the club, Jason Duggan, Concha y Toro marketing manager, said: “It seems that we’re opening our doors and kitchens to friends, family and sometimes complete strangers, exploring the world of fine food, great wine and sparkling conversation.

The Diablo Supper Club taps into this phenomenon – positioning Casillero del Diablo within consumers’ entertaining occasions and getting them back in touch with food, wine and socialising at home.”

The site also provides visitors with food and wine hints and tips, including recipe suggestions, video tasting notes of the brand’s wines, dinner party and supper club tips, a seasonal food guide, food and wine matching suggestions as well as links to high-profile food and wine blogs.

The website goes live later this week.

Jane Parkinson, 30.03.2010

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