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Blossom Hill launches Pinot Grigio in UK

Blossom Hill, the UK’s biggest-selling wine brand, has developed a new Californian Pinot Grigio to capitalise on increasing demand for the variety among British consumers.

Blossom Hill Californian Pinot Grigio will have an RSP of £5.99 and is available for all sectors across the off- and on-trade channels.  

Blossom Hill is supporting its varietal range and the launch of the new Pinot Grigio with a major TV advertising campaign, which has been running since the start of March.

The advertising is phase two of the “Welcome to Blossom Hill” campaign which was aired last summer and sees Blossom Hill investing an additional £500,000, with airtime booked across ITV1, Channel 4, ITV2, Film4 and E4 as well as another seven major digital channels.

Liz Ashdown, marketing manager for Blossom Hill, said: “The UK consumer’s love affair with Pinot Grigio has seen a surge in sales over the last 12 months, but it has yet to be seriously developed under the banner of a brand.

“We feel this is a variety with which our consumer has a very real affinity hence our significant investment.”

The new wine has already been snapped up by four supermarkets: Asda, Co-op, Sainsbury’s and Somerfeld and by cash and carries, Booker and United Wholesalers.

The launch has been timed to encourage potential consumers to try the wine in the run-up to summer months.

Blossom Hill Californian Pinot Grigio is available from Percy Fox & Co.

Alan Lodge, 31.03.2010

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