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Navarra rosado raises its game

Increased promotional activities in the UK market have led to a 30% uplift in exports of rosado from Navarra to the UK, according to figures dating to the end of October 2009.

The past three years have seen the Consejo Regulador of Navarra working closely with the region’s wineries to improve the quality of their rosados in particular. This has involved the implementation of increased quality controls, with minimum yields reduced by a half.

“Navarra has the reputation for making the best rosados in Spain,” maintained Pilar García Granero, president of the CRDO Navarra, “and we are determined to ensure that every bottle produced in the region is made to the highest possible quality standards. We feel that the uplift in sales of our rosados to the UK market is a reflection of this.”

Navarra’s promotional activities for 2010 look set to continue this push. A tasting in London next month will unveil the latest vintage of rosados, while at May’s London International Wine Fair, Navarra will host a seminar on the future of rosé in the UK market.

Gabriel Savage, 13.01.10

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