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Thriving independent’s new store

Corks Out, the award-winning wine and spirits retailer based in the north of England has been performing so well it’s opened a store in Alderley Edge. The fifth Corks Out store is in addition to shops in Stockton Heath, Chester, Timperley and most recently Heswal, on the Wirral.

Having recently also launched a mail order business through its website, each of the stores "like to place an emphasis on small, often family-owned producers and small parcels of wine," says proprietor and buyer Ruth Yates.

Talking of the expansion, Yates added: "While the supermarkets are cutting their wine ranges and pushing cheaper and cheaper wines, we are finding great success with our business model of top quality, often exclusive wines from excellent producers, a very high standard of customer service and the personal Corks Out touch.

"In the last 18 months, we have been finding that our customers are more than willing to trade up because they are opting to treat themselves at home rather than go out and they are looking for really good value for money."

Even though the store is already open for business, the grand opening will take place on 3 October.

Jane Parkinson, 07.09.2009

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