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Tesco’s tasting tweet

Tesco is to become the first company to hold a live wine tasting exclusively on Twitter.

During the Tesco Wine Club Fair in the UK this weekend, the supermarket’s product development managers, members of the team and consumers can all taste a selection of wines together using the designated Twitter account #tescowinefair .

In order to encourage tasting tweeting at the fairs, Tesco will make laptops available to consumers. And, the supermarket has already been generating interest about its fairs through its designated Twitter account on which, for example, wine supplier Bibendum has posted video links to encourage an Old World versus New World debate for consumers.

The Tesco Wine Club Fair season starts this Saturday in Manchester where 250 wines will be showcased by suppliers, winemakers and product development managers. The fairs will also take place in three more locations across the UK, in Edinburgh, London and Bristol.

Initiatives such as live tastings tweets will be discussed in greater detail at The Drinks and Digital Media Summit, organised by CUBE communications and the drinks business on 22 September in central London, further details on this event can also be found through Twitter on #ddmsummit.

Jane Parkinson, 02.09.09

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