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Men have become shopaholics

Men have become the UK’s shopaholics thanks to fervent online shopping, according to a report conducted for PayPal.

The report suggests nearly 13 million men shop online compared with 10.3m women, while men outspend women in every category apart from groceries and clothing.

Men’s average online spend is £2,602 over the course of the last six months while the average lady spends £1,930.

The report also indicates that men’s online shopping activity is set to increase even further stating that more than 40% of men plan to do as much of their shopping as possible online, while only 29% of women say the same thing.

General manager of merchant services Cameron McLean said Paypal put this spending trend down to convenience and male impatience.

These figures are released on the eve of the drinks business‘ special feature on online alcohol shopping in the September issue, which reports that even though internet usage is now conducted in 16 million British households, or 65% of the population (according to the Office for National Statistics), the number of wine purchases made through the internet has dipped from 16% in March 2006 to 12% in June 2009 (when the question posed was ‘Where do UK consumers buy their wine’?).

Jane Parkinson 17.08.2009

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