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Wines of Argentina UK director to stand down

James Forbes is resigning as Wines of Argentina’s UK director. He has been the country’s UK representative for three years and plans to leave the full-time position at the end of September, although he will retain a consultancy role with the generic organisation.

“While my time with Wines of Argentina has been very interesting, it’s time for a change,” he told the drinks business, explaining his decision to stand down. 
Forbes’ future consultancy work with Wines of Argentina will centre on developing Argentine wine sales in continental Europe. 
Forbes will remain the UK contact for enquires regarding Argentine wine until 30 September, including the Wines of Argentina Annual Trade Tasting on 15 September. 
From 1 October, the Mendoza office will take charge of all UK affairs under the direction of Susana Balbo, president of Wines of Argentina, with day-to-day organisation by UK manager Andrew Maidment.
“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the board of Wines of Argentina for giving me such a privileged and prestigious role in the world of wine. I feel that our work together over the last three years has put Argentina into its strongest position ever in the UK market and it has been a real pleasure to be involved with such fantastic people,” said Forbes.  
“James has been a great ambassador for Argentina and we thank him for his considerable efforts,” added Susana Balbo. “Wines of Argentina will continue to have an extremely strong focus on the UK market and looks forward to building upon our current success to further raise awareness, promote and develop the demand for our wines.” 
Patrick Schmitt, 29.07.09

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