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Government ignores call for drinker education

Catherine Monahan, managing director of Clink! Wines, is dismayed at the government’s lack of action in tackling problem drinking.

Monahan has received a belated response from the Treasury to a letter she sent to the Prime Minister before April’s Budget, regarding the government’s plans for spending the money raised through increased alcohol duty.

Having stressed the need for investment in educating people and promotion of social and cultural change, Monahan was disappointed when HM Treasury’s Ann Matthars, writing on behalf of the Prime Minister, said the money raised through the 2% duty increase would be ploughed into public finances.

Matthars said in the letter: “The alcohol duty increases announced at Budget were not designed to tackle problem drinking but they will play their part in ensuring we can continue to fund the Government’s spending priorities.”

Monahan said: “I appreciate Ann’s honesty but am honestly amazed and very disappointed that none of the ‘stealth tax’ taken from our industry is being used to educate and support the promotion of social and cultural change.

“I’d love to know what their ‘spending priorities’ are, considering so-called ‘alcohol issues’ are in the newspapers everyday.

“It’s a disgrace to say they won’t use any of the money to support the social problems this country has.”

Alan Lodge, 10.07.09 

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