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Beck’s seeks musical inspiration

Beck’s has joined forces with musicians Hard-Fi and Ladyhawke to launch a new range of limited edition labels.

The beer brand has a history of collaboration with contemporary artists, including Sam Taylor-Wood and Gilbert & George. The results of this latest stage in its Canvas project are due to be unveiled in a sneak preview at a Ladyhawke gig on 25 August in a secret London location. Fans are invited to compete for tickets to this event via the Beck’s website.
Both bands involved in this partnership are known for their eye-catching album cover art. Pip Brown, aka Ladyhawke herself, commented: “Music and art are both inspirations to me, so to be involved with Canvas is a fantastic opportunity for a different creative expression. I can’t wait to see my bottles in store.”
The bottles carrying the new labels go on sale at the beginning of September.
Gabriel Savage, 29.07.09

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