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Lazio region aims for lift-off

The wine producers of Lazio are set to launch an offensive on the UK market as they seek to highlight the dramatic improvements the upcoming region has undergone over the past five years. 

A collaborative effort by Italian wine journalist Ian D’Agata, twenty Lazio wine producers and SWIG, has resulted in the region’s first-ever private launch, lunch and consumer tasting, to be held on 9 June at Theo Randall’s Cookbook Café in London.

The strategic launch represents the first time wine producers from the Lazio region have been able to present the changes in style and quality of their wines over the last 5 years to the UK market.

The region has identified three clear goals for the coming year. First up is the need to increase awareness of Lazio and its wines amongst UK professionals as being one of the rare regions in Italy that can deliver wines from unique native grape varieties, as well as from international grapes.

Second is to promote the quality and value for money of its wines to consumers and increase its market share of Italy in the UK Market, via double digit growth and new listings.

Their final aim is to increase the appeal of the Lazio region for wine tourists.

D’Agata, author of The Ecco guide to the best wines of Italy , said: “Lazio wines have improved by leaps and bounds in the past 5 years.

“It is a hot and upcoming region that offers great value for consumers and buyers and sommeliers would be delighted at some of the quality coming out of this region.”

Fabio Massimo Pallottini, president of ARSIAL, the regional office for the development, innovation, and promotion of Lazio wines, will host the launch event, which will comprise a private tasting and lunch showcasing the best the region has to offer, followed by a forum discussion on the future of Lazio.  

Twenty producers will be showing their wines throughout the afternoon, including Compagnia di Ermes, Mottura Isabella, Trebotti, and Giangirolam, followed by an evening consumer tasting hosted by SWIG.  All Sommeliers are welcome to attend throughout the entire day.

D’agata added: “It’s my passion that wine lovers everywhere can now revel and learn of the unique fragrances and tastes of wines made from thoroughly unknown native varieties such as bellone, bombino, malvasia puntinata and aleatico, which are just some of the cultivars that had contributed to making the wines of Rome and Lazio great and much sought after throughout the centuries”.

To reserve your place email or call Catherine on 07500 933 848.

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