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IWSC anniversary dinner and debate

The IWSC invites you to join its 40th anniversary celebrations in Edinburgh on 16 July 2009.

Coinciding with the release of the spirits results, the day begins at 12 noon with an industry debate at Pollock Halls Campus. The motion to be contended is “This House believes that the future of spirits is white.” All industry members are welcome to attend this free event, which will be followed by a tasting of the spirits winners.

For many, this afternoon programme will be just the start of the celebrations, with the IWSC’s anniversary dinner taking place that evening. Held in the magnificent setting of Hopetoun House, just outside Edinburgh, a highlight of the event will be the unveiling of the “IWSC 40th Anniversary Blend”, a whisky created specially to commemorate this occasion.

Once dinner, tasting and a number of special industry award announcements have been completed, the evening will conclude in style with a 16 piece band beating the retreat.

To book your place or for more information, click here

Gabriel Savage, 10.06.09

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