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Cape Wine axed due to 2010 World Cup

Wines of South Africa will not host Cape Wine next year as the dates fall too close to the FIFA World Cup football tournament in June, an event which is taking place in South Africa. 

Instead of bringing delegates to South Africa for the biennial Cape Wine exhibition, WOSA has confirmed it will invite foreign visitors during the course of the football tournament in order to cover the sporting event and visit the winelands at the same time. In doing so, South Africa will next feature Cape Wine in 2012.

Su Birch, CEO of WOSA said: "In light of the strong turnout expected for the tournament, and this ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity, we have decided to give the thrust of our focus to this event next year, instead of dissipating our resources and holding Cape Wine three months later.

"It would be unwise to expect press and buyers to return after such a short interval, especially in the present global recession.”

Jane Parkinson, 08.06.09

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