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Putting “heroic” Trentino on the map

Gruppo La-Vis has launched a website dedicated solely to Trentino in order to gain better recognition of the region from the trade and consumers.

Labelling both the campaign ‘Putting Trentino on the map’ and the website, the Italian group has taken the initiative to secure better understanding of the region, where three of the company’s six wineries are based.

Gruppo La-Vis’s marketing manager Alessandro Camattari said: "We would like to tell the world about our little-known region where heroic feats of viticulture are achieved on the stunningly steep slopes."

The website is also aiming to be a reference point for Trentino’s wines and is hoping to promote styles such as the wide variety of Muller-Thürgau it can make from producers including Cantina La-Vis, Valle di Cembra and Cesarini Sforza.

Jane Parkinson, 20.05.09

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