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Hobgoblin on the House at Parliament

As Britain’s drinks industry prepares for a potentially damaging budget later this month, one brewers gave ministers a timely reminder that their decisions could have disastrous consequences for a national institution if they push ahead with plans to raise the beer tax.

A 100 foot high projection of the Wychwood brewery’s Hobgoblin character, adopting Lord Kitchener’s pose from the famous First World War poster, was beamed onto Big Ben last Saturday night (4 April) as a rallying call for the country to get behind British beer during these challenging times.

The image, projected on the eve of National Cask Ale Week, which began on Monday, supports the ‘Axe the Beer Tax’ campaign, pioneered by the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA), that is lobbying the government to lower the duty on a pint of beer.

Mark Hastings, director of communications at the BBPA, said: “Beer is our national drink. Government should support national champions, but our chancellor continues to load punitive tax increases on beer.

“Last year alone he put up tax on a pint by an eye-watering 18%. Now he plans to put it up again in the Budget on 22 April. The British people don’t want it. It’s time to say enough is enough and stop any further tax increase in this year’s Budget.”

Stephen Oliver, managing director of Marston’s Beer Company, added: “Cask Beer is one of a few British treasures left. Crafted using British grown ingredients, for thousands of years, it is truly part of our heritage, something we should protect with a passion.”

Alan Lodge 06.04.2009 

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