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Absolut ad seeks payment in kind

Pernod Ricard is continuing to tell us how different life could be, if only we lived in an Absolut World, with a new advertising campaign highlighting the need for human kindness instead of currency.

Following on from the previous campaign – launched to coincided with the G20 summit – which showed protestors and police having a pillow fight, Absolut is wasting no time in pressing ahead with the next stage of its campaign.

This advert, called Hugs, depicts shoppers paying for their groceries with a hug, shoe shiners and bus drivers receiving a kiss on the head for their services, a hotel bellboy getting a shoulder massage from his employer, and a London busker receiving hugs for his music.

A Pernod Ricard statement said: “Hugs brings to life a unique and thought-provoking perspective of the world through an Absolut lens – a vision of a world where the only currency is human kindness.”

“The timing of our ‘Hugs’ activity is especially poignant in this recessionary environment,” said Mark Hamilton, head of marketing for vodkas at Pernod Ricard UK.

“It envisions a world where simple acts of kindness are accepted as currency, and seeks to remind us of the need for genuine human interaction in our day-to-day lives.”

Hugs will debut in arthouse cinemas across the UK from 10 April, in mainstream cinemas following the Easter break and on topical news websites from 16 April.

Alan Lodge,  09.04.2009 

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