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Turning Leaf Goes Solo

Turning Leaf will turn its back on featuring parent company E&J Gallo on the front of its labels later this year in a bid to “draw in new consumers”.

The decision to disassociate itself from the Gallo name on the front label has been taken following extensive research, consultation and investment into the brand. Ian Newell, marketing director Europe for E&J Gallo told the drinks business: “As Turning Leaf has grown over the years, it’s become a different brand with a different consumer and different wine styles,” to that of E&J Gallo.

The new look labels coincide with “improved wine quality” which is the result of “significant investment in winery infrastructure” across the entire range of Turning Leaf wines – Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Zinfandel and Shiraz Rosé, all with an RRP of £6.99.

Turning Leaf is planning to implement the changes with immediate effect and the new-design labels will be on the market from June

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