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Southern Comfort kicks off the carnival season

Southern Comfort celebrates its New Orleans roots this February with a revival of the Mardi Gras activities instigated by the brand last year. The ‘SoCo Mardi Gras Month’ will feature events and promotions across the UK, accompanied by a £1 million multimedia advertising campaign.

On-trade activity is focused on encouraging the brand’s perfect serve, with over 4,000 POS kits distributed to key accounts. Consumers who order the recommended SoCo, lime and lemonade will receive branded beads and feather masks, while the carnival atmosphere will be further fuelled by the chance to win iPod speakers and inflatable sofas. In addition, more than 10,000 Mardi Gras bottle packs will be available exclusively at Asda.

Meanwhile, major events in London, Manchester and Glasgow will combine home grown talent with some of the biggest music names from New Orleans. Consumers who visit will be able to find details of all SoCo Mardi Gras parties hosted by various on-trade accounts around the UK.

Neil Aitken, regional marketing manager for Southern Comfort, commented on the success of last year’s event, saying: “This year we plan on repeating that success with even more activity, ensuring that we help brighten up February for consumers, while supporting trade and driving footfall into outlet in a challenging trade environment”.

Gabriel Savage, 11.02.09

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