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UK tops import table

The UK is now the world’s largest consumer of imported wine. In a report released by Vinexpo, the international wine and spirits exhibition, UK wine imports in 2007 exceeded 1.6 billion bottles, overtaking Germany, the previous import leader by volume. The US still stands as the top wine importer by value.

Although the trade has seen widespread sales decline over the past year, the International Wine and Spirit Record, who compiled this report, predicts that UK imports will continue to rise. However, in acknowledgment of the effect of the current downturn, the rate of growth is expected to slow to 6% by 2012.

The UK still ranks only 13th in terms of wine consumption. In 2008 it is estimated that UK consumers drank an average 27.1 litres per head, compared with world leader France, which stood at 58.8 litres per head. World wine consumption is expected to rise as a whole to 2.8 billion cases over the next three years.

Gabriel Savage, 14.01.09

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