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Bibendum Twitter triumph

Bibendum’s futuristic step into the world of online tasting has got off to a flying start. Over 300 bloggers from around the UK contributed to Twitter Taste Live, a social media experiment organised as part of Bibendum’s annual trade tasting in London last week.

To create the experiment, three wines were tasted at the annual event at 4pm by a dozen bloggers, armed with Blackberries, iPhones and laptops. Simultaneously, the same three wines were tasted in the homes of the keenest UK followers of the company blog on social networking site, Feedback from around the country then flowed simultaneously onto the Twitter Taste Live website, as well as featuring on the bloggers’ own Twitter homepages.

The success of the project was highlighted by the fact that the quantity of replies managed to push the site’s most popular Obama thread down into second place. As a result of this success, Bibendum is looking for further opportunities to hold similar events, bringing the company’s profile to a whole new audience of bars, restaurants, bloggers and consumers.

Gabriel Savage, 28.01.09

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