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Bewes to leave Liberty Wines

Andrew Bewes has resigned as commercial director of wine agent and importer Liberty Wines. He has been at Liberty for less than four years and was previously sales and marketing director at Berkmann Wine Cellars.

“I’ve been at Liberty for almost four years, and feel that I have achieved what I set out to do when I arrived,” said Bewes. “I’ve enjoyed my time at Liberty, but I think now is the time to find a new challenge.” He will leave the company at the end of this month.

David Gleave, managing director of Liberty Wines, added:  “I’d like to thank Andrew for the contribution he has made to Liberty Wines since joining the company in 2005. I wish him all the best in the next role he takes on, where I’m sure he’ll be a positive influence.”

Patrick Schmitt, 28.01.09

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