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Diddy vodka

Ciroc vodka has brought together two of the entertainment industry’s biggest personalities, Sean “Diddy” Combs and Frank Sinatra, for its latest advertising campaign, entitled “The Art of Celebration”.

Launching this week, the commercials feature Combs hosting an impromptu Rat Pack inspired party, filmed in black and white at one of Sinatra’s former homes.

Fans of the ubiquitous “Diddy” (and indeed Sinatra), may be relieved to learn this is not the launch of a tribute band from the rapster, but the embodiment of Ciroc’s offering of a “contemporary yet classic” twist to the world of sophisticated revelry.

But the founder of a company named Bad Boy Worldwide Entertainment Group is keen to assure consumers that his reputation for throwing the best parties is entirely compatible with the responsible drinking policy of Diageo, with whom his business has shared the brand management of Ciroc since October 2007.

Combs explains: “My friends are important to me. Whenever we celebrate, I make sure we are drinking responsibly.” We’re sure the same concerns weighed on the Rat Pack’s mind as they started their own impromptu parties back in the Sixties.

Gabriel Savage 08/10/08

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