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EU tackles India for the second time

The European Union’s rumbles with India continued this week as it started new dispute proceedings against the country at the World Trade Organization, this time at a state level. Last year, the EU halted proceedings against India after the government agreed to lower so-called “additional duty” on imported wines and spirits.

According to the EU, the three states involved in the current dispute proceedings, Goa, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, have continued to penalise imports by imposing discriminatory taxes and restrictions on European wine and spirits.

Both sides have 60 days to come to an agreement under WTO rules.

At €57 million for spirits and €11 million for wine, EU exports to India are still relatively small, but given the impressive growth of the economy, members of the trade want a level playing field to enable them to compete as demand for these products grows.

Fionnuala Synnott 24/09/08

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