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Amorim hits the web

Cork producer Amorim is pushing the environmental credentials of the closure with an online presence that is gaining significant global exposure. An educational website and online video have reached thousands of consumers.

The video is fronted by Hollywood star Rob Schneider, who goes on a mission to Portugal to ‘find Miguel’ – Miguel, it turns out, is a cork tree. The video is packed full of information about cork, including the fact that it is 100% recyclable, plays a crucial role in absorbing carbon and provides an important ecosystem essential for a number of endangered species.

The campaign was launched in Australia last week, and has since spread rapidly around the world. The original teaser trailer was viewed by almost 30,000 people, while the full video has already been viewed by over 73,000 people on YouTube alone. In addition, the campaign has spawned a Facebook group, that already boasts in excess of 1,300 members – complete strangers brought together digitally by their love of cork.

Ben Grant, 27/08/08 

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