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Best Launch of the Year 2008

Jacob’s Creek Three Vines

Set against a backdrop of stagnant wine sales, Pernod Ricard knew it had to do something special in order to drive the Jacob’s Creek brand forward. And the Three Vines initiative appears to be exactly that: a bold, creative and insightful launch that is truly innovative and, crucially, injects value into the business in a marketplace that is obsessed with driving down prices.

As the number one brand from the number one producer country, it would be all too easy for Jacob’s Creek to rest on its laurels. However, with average bottle price plateauing in the last couple of years, the brand decided it was time to convince consumers that there is a compelling reason to pay more for wine, and it used the reassuring perception that it has built up as a platform to educate conusmers and encourage them to be more experimental in their choices.

Three Vines is a range of three tri-varietal wines that combine two well-established grapes with an additional rather more esoteric and interesting choice. Consumers who are comfortable with the brand are thus introduced to a new taste experience, and in doing so, trade up to a £6.99 wine that is just a penny shy of the £5-mark when on promotion. It also created an impressive halo effect that benefitted the entire Jacob’s Creek family.

The word “innovation” is continuously used in the drinks trade, but it is rarely as appropriate a description as it is for Three Vines. As a result, this was a presentation that won unanimous approval of the db judging panel. “It’s really important to drive value into the wine category, and that’s exactly what this launch has done,” said one, while another praised a launch that “will really appeal to consumers who want to experimen

Click to see the award presentation at this years ceremony


The Black Grouse
Edrington Group developed this peated variant of its Famous flagship in response to the massive demand for smoky whisky in Sweden, but it has since become a hit elsewhere. The judges were impressed by a highly credible launch which generated rapid results – without cannibalising the main brand.

the shortlist

Cuvee R Lalou
With this classically impressive prestige cuvée launch, Mumm has reinvigorated the top end of its range.

“Such a bold and imaginative relaunch,” said the judges, “it’s got everybody in the Scotch trade thinking.”

Russian Standard

Russian Standard flexed considerable muscle to gain great stand-out in an incredibly tough category.

The McGuigan 9.5 Range
The judges were full of praise for a product that tapped into a key trend without compromising on flavour.

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