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Southwest France: a treasure trove of indigenous grape varieties

Wines from Southwest France will reinforce its presence at the LIWF with an informative seminar on the region’s wealth of indigenous grape varieties and a regional stand.

The seminar and tasting will be presented by Andrew Jefford on Wednesday 21 May at 11.30am at Excel, rooms 5 and 6.
Andrew Jefford will lead guests through the unique treasure trove of indigenous grape varieties from Southwest France. He will give valuable insight into ampelography and will cover grape varieties of character such as Malbec, Fer Servadou, Petit Manseng, Tannat and Negrette.

Andrew will present his exciting selection of ACs and Vins de Pays wines from the Southwest of France, and will look at how the different terroirs impact on these varieties.

Andrew’s genuine interest in Southwest grape varieties and wines is shown in his book The New France : “Three elements, though, have combined over the last decade to make the Southwest one of the New France’s most startlingly improved wine regions: great grape varieties, forgotten terroirs of outstanding quality, and the burning desire to prove a point.”

Wines tasted during Andrew Jefford’s seminar :
•    Vin de Pays des Côtes de Gascogne: Grand Héron, Producteurs Plaimont 2007
•    Saint-Mont blanc: Producteurs Plaimont, Le Faîte 2006
•    Marcillac: Jean-Luc Matha, Cuvée Pèirafi 2004   
•    Fronton: Château la Colombière, Coste Rouge 2006

•    Gaillac: Château de Saurs, Réserve Eliézer 2004  
•    Irouléguy: Caves d’Irouleguy, Omenaldi 2004
•    Cahors: Château du Cèdre, Le Cèdre 2005
•    Madiran: Alain Brumont , La Tyre 2001
•    Jurançon: Domaine Bellegarde, Cuvée Thibault 2005 

Southwest regional stand I40/1

The regional stand I40/1 will be home to seven producers and host a further selection of 40 wines and eaux de vie in a generic tasting area. Dr Helen Savage, The Journal (Newcastle) will be present to share her expertise on Southwest wines. She will provide guidance about the producers and the wines from Southwest France, a region she is passionate about and where she spends a lot of time.

The range of Southwest ACs, Vins de Pays on offer will provide an overview of the richness of terroirs and styles offered by the Southwest region. Colourful and versatile, the wines from South-West France have in common freshness, acidity and the natural ability to complement food from aperitif to dessert.

They are also healthy as numerous research studies have shown, including the work of Prof Roger Corder from Queen Mary’s School of Medicine, which demonstrates the positive effect of red wines from Southwest France on blood vessels.

Visit stand I40/1 to taste a range of wines and spirits from Southwest France organised by the Association Interprofessionnelle des Vins et Eaux de Vie du Sud-Ouest.

The following producers will also be exhibiting:

•    Vignobles Arbeau
•    Cave de Crouseilles
•    Château Chambert

•    Cave d’Irouleguy
•    Cave de Labastide de Levis
•    Laubade et Domaines Associés (LEDA SA)
•    Producteurs Plaimont
The generic tasting area will include wines from the following producers:

AOC Cahors
•    Château de Cantelauze, Le Cotagé 2005
•    Château de Chambert 2005
•    Geoges Vigouroux, Château de Haut-Serre 2005
•    Geoges Vigouroux, Pigmentum 2005

AOC Fronton (Rosé)
•    Vignoble Arbeau, Château Coutinel 2007
•    Château Saint-Guilhem, Rosé Emeraude 2007

AOC Fronton (Rouge)
•    Château la Colombière, Coste Rouge 2005
•    Vinovalie, Château Jouaninel 2004
•    Château Montaurial Tradition 2006

AOC Gaillac
•    Château Gineste, Grande Cuvée 2005
•    Domaine Jean Cros, Château Larroze 2006
•    Château de Saurs, Réserve Eliézer 2004

AOC Gaillac Doux
•    Domaine Rotier, Renaissance 2006

AOC Gaillac Sec
•    Cave de Labastide de Levis, Château Clos Labastide 2007

AOC Irouléguy (Blanc Sec)
•    Cave d’Irouleguy, Xuri 2006

AOC Irouléguy (Rouge)
•    Cave d’Irouleguy, Domaine de Mignaberry 2005
•    Cave d’Irouleguy, Omenaldi 2004

>AOC Jurançon
•    Domaine de Bellegarde, ‘Thibaut’ 2005
•    Château Jolys, Cuvée Jean 2005
•    Clos Lapeyre, La Magendia 2005

AOC Jurançon Sec
•    Domaine de Bellegarde, La Pierre Blanche 2006

AOC Madiran

•    Cave de Crouseilles, Château d’Arricau Bordes 2004
•    Vignobles Laplace, Château d’Aydie, Ode Aydie 2005
•    Domaine Capmartin, Vieilles Vignes, 2005
•    Château Peyros, Vieilles Vignes 2003 (LEDA SA)
•    Producteurs Plaimont, Plénitude 2004

AOC Marcillac
•    L’Exception, Vignerons de la Vallée 2005 (Vignerons du Vallon – Marcillac)

AOC Pacherenc du Vic Bihl
•    Domaine Barréjat, Cuvée de la Passion 2005
•    Folie de Roi, Cave de Crouseilles 2006

VDQS Saint Mont (Rouge)
•    Producteurs Plaimont, Château de Sabazan 2004

VDQS Saint Mont (Blanc)
•    Producteurs Plaimont, Le Faîte 2006
•    Producteurs Plaimont, Marks and Spencer, 2006

VDP du Comté Tolosan (Rouge)
•    Vinovalie, Tarani Cabernet 2006

VDP du Comté Tolosan (Blanc)

•    Vinovalie, Terreo Loin de L’El 2007

VDP des Côtes de Gascogne (Blanc)
•    Producteurs Plaimont, Grand Héron, Blanc Sec 2007
•    Domaine de Pellehaut, Ampelomeryx 2006

VDP des Côtes de Gascogne (Rosé)

•    Domaine Uby 2007

VDP Côtes du Tarn (Rouge)
•    Cave de Labastide de Levis, Léo & Co 2005

AOC Floc de Gascogne
•    Domaine Chiroulet, Floc de Fezas 2006

AOC Armagnac
•    Domaine de Pellehaut 1979

For further information please contact Emmanuelle Galdin on 0207 312 3647  and on the Southwest Wines website at

The seminar will be followed by a buffet lunch. Places are limited (50 people) and seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please RSVP to before 9 May 2008.

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