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John Cossart dies

John Cossart, chairman of Henriques & Henriques Madeira, died in the early hours of Wednesday February 27. He was a hugely likeable and knowledgeable man and will be greatly missed.

Cossart died on the island of Madeira, which had been his home since he returned to run the Henriques & Henriques Madeira business following the death of his own father.
Andrew Hawes, MD of Mentzendorff & Co, UK agents for Henriques and Henriques, said, “All those who knew John, and that is a very great number across the wine trade globally, will remember him very fondly as one of the great characters in our business. His stories of his own life and great insights into the development of the international wine trade were fascinating, but more than that he was a lovely man and we will all miss him greatly. It is truly the end of an era.”
His funeral was held in Madeira on Friday 29th February.

Patrick Schmitt, 05/03/08 

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