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New cider chair wants duty put on ice

During her first address as the new chair of the National Association of Cider Makers, Fenella Tyler argued that the cider industry had benefited from …

…  “a period of stable duty environment”, and asked that this policy be renewed.

Speaking at the biannual Parliamentary Cider Group last night, Tyler attributed ongoing sales increases within the cider category to “the skill, innovation and investment” of cider makers, as well as stable duty on the category, “meaning that we have also been able to extend the investment made in the rural economy.”

Tyler mentioned Scottish & Newcastle’s plans for a new facility in Herefordshire for cider production, as well as planting schemes from S&N and Westons.

A number of other issues were mentioned in the speech, such as the challenges faced by the industry as the full impact of the smoking ban comes into effect, and the prospect of a summer “without any of the home nations participating in a major sports tournament”. Tyler also commented on the association’s commitment to sustainability, as well as “the need to act responsibly both as individual businesses and as an organisation representing the whole industry.”

Clinton Cawood, 28/11/07

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