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Innovation II – Aspiration & Luxury

Innovation II:
Aspiration & Luxury

Monday 8 October 2007
Venue: Media & Business Complex, London Stock Exchange, UK

Following on from last year’s highly successful Innovation conference the drinks business is delighted to announce its second annual conference, Innovation II: Aspiration and Luxury. Many brands come and go but only those who truly engage the consumer survive. So we shall explore the tricks of the trade used to create a brand that can attract aspirational consumers and those wanting to buy into a little luxury, whether luxury is a part of their life or not.

The event will take place over one day and comprises panels of industry experts covering such topics as: what makes the consumer want more; the relationship between aspiration and luxury; the retail persepective on what makes the consumer aspire to buying one brand over another; and much, much more.

Confirmed Speakers:

Victoria Mather, travel editor, Vanity Fair

Dane Hudson, ceo, McGuigan Simeon Wines

Tim French, buyer, Fortum & Mason

Gaston Van de Laar, strategy director, Claessens Product Consultants

Ibrahim Ibrahim, managing director, Portland Design Associates

Sarah Brown, managing director, Pai Skincare Ltd

Arnaud de Trabuc, chairman & md, After SA

Julian Cordy, director, Box Marketing

Denis de Groote, president & md, After SA

Lulu Egerton, partner, Strutt & Parker Lane Fox

Graham Page, drinks analyst, AC Nielson

Paul Schaafsma, regional director, McGuigan Simeon

& Christopher Campbell, head of trading, Rothschild/Waddesdon Manor








Schedule for the day

Registration: 9am

Welcome and Introduction: Charlotte Hey, publisher, the drinks business

Opening address: Aspiration is the new luxury
How do you give your brand that certain je ne sais quoi? What makes a product aspirational
What is happening in luxury markets? How do you innovate? What’s the secret behind aspiration?

Session 1: Want it, need iit, have to have it – How to give your brand the aspirational feel
What makes the consumer want to spend more? This open debate between keynote panel members will explore how you give your brand a real aspirational value and look at the processes behind creating aspiration for your brand.


Session 2: Luxury – the real deal
Talk about aspiration and you can’t fail to think luxury – a concept that is becoming increasingly important for the drinks industry. This panel will explore in-depth what is happening in the wider luxury market, who is innovating and what the trends are.


Session 3: Inside the mind of the consumer – the retail perspective
Who best to know what makes the consumer spend but the retailer? Whether on- or off-trade, if anyone is going to get the consumer to spend more it’s the people at the coal face. With participation from the major retailers and more niche operators we analyse what makes consumers tick when it comes to putting their hands in their pockets.


Session 4: Global reach, making your brand an international “must have”
You’ve done the research, you’ve launched the brand, how do you build a consumer franchise internationally? How do you make a brand relevant to consumer trends in diverse markets? Taking it from the brand owner’s perspective the panel looks at how you create a brand that will function successfully across markets and have aspirational appeal whether you’re in Hong Kong or Harlem, Dubai or Dublin.

Closing address


Conference hotline on +44 (0)20 7803 2430
or e-mail:

Tickets cost £345+VAT and include all conference papers, refreshments, lunch and access to all seminars and discussions throughout the day. Tickets are non-transferrable.

Discounted tickets at £295 +VAT are available for early bird bookings (before 21 Sept 2007), multiple bookings (minimum of 3) and bona fide subscribers of the drinks business magazine.

Download a copy of the Innovation II brochure and booking form:

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