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UK RETAIL FOCUS – August 2007


A comprehensive guide to trading in the UK market

This month we consider the environmental issues surrounding lightweight bottles; examine the dominance of the multiples; analyse the rise of the specialist, check out the online offer; guide you through building the perfect brand; unravel RFID technology, and plenty more besides.


The environment sits heavily on the UK’s cultural and political agendas and the major retailers are making the appropriate noises – but is it just spin? And are lightweighting and bulk bottling the answer?

After a long period of sustained and unrelenting growth, wine volume sales finally plateaued last year. The trade is now focusing on creating growth through value

In today’s consumerist society the line between need and desire gets ever more blurred – and the internet is there to cater to our every whim.  We assess how well the wine industry has tapped into this limitless marketplace

In an overcrowded and price-driven marketplace, creating a successful new wine in the UK is no easy task. We trace the developmental stages of nurturing a healthy newborn brand

Vodka is still dominating the spirits sector, its sales having toppled long-time leader Scotch. We look at homegrown brands versus imports, the influence of the Big Four and the problem of aggressive spirits pricing

In the independent sector, UK shoppers are asking more questions about their wine and are spending more, following growing interest in food provenance

By successfully finding their own niche in the face of supermarket domination, independent wine specialists have proved Newton’s law of motion

A captive – and highly excitable – audience makes airports the ideal testing ground for new drinks products. We speak with Fraser Dunlop at World Duty Free

The value of the white spirits market has fallen, while prices of dark spirits have risen, softening the overall spirits sales decline.

The buzz around RFID continues to lurk below the radar screen of the drinks industry, though it is beginning to be used in other sectors

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