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Marketing News: Adez launch shouts about soya

Unilever UK foods has dedicated a £12 million budget to support the launch of AdeZ, the new juice and soya brand that aims to tap into the current trend towards consuming healthier products. This is the first major drinks launch by the UK food giant in over a decade.

 Given the relatively low understanding of soya products among UK consumers, savvy communication will be critical to success. This need to educate consumers explains the scale and scope of the campaign, which combines outdoor, print, TV, online, PR, in-store promotion and a sampling campaign that will expose more than 2m people to the brand.

The campaign kicked off in July and runs until year-end. It plays on the brand’s values of health and vitality, with a vibrant skipping theme.

Soya and juice drinks have performed well in Latin America in recent years, and Unilever hopes to replicate this success
in the UK. As AdeZ business manager Mike Knowland explains: “This is a massive launch and represents huge potential for retailers. AdeZ will target the £1.6 billion juice category, as well as building on the current [26.5% year-on-year] growth within the soya market. We expect the launch will make soya much more accessible, everyday and mainstream.”

© db September 2006

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