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Retail: Summer spending rises

Figures from retail data specialist FootFall suggest consumer confidence has returned in the UK, some 12 months on from the central London terror attacks.

 Latest data shows a week-on-week increase in shopper numbers, and the Retail FootFall Index outperforming 2005 levels for the first time since April. Spending was up by 2.8% for week 27 (3–9 July 2006) which was 2% more than the same week in 2005.

Factors such as England’s exit from the World Cup on 1 July seem to have boosted the performance of retailers – and department stores in particular. Shopper numbers in the latter outlets rose by 10.5% compared to the previous week.
FootFall noted that the attacks in central London  a year ago may have distorted any comparison with 2006. On the other hand, a spokesman said, “It is still very promising to see a fourth consecutive week of growth in shopper numbers, providing much needed relief for retailers.

“After a very disappointing June, during which shopper numbers fell by 5.6% as people traded shopping for the warm weather and the World Cup, July has begun promisingly for retailers and they will be keen to sustain this momentum as the holiday season begins.”

© db August 2006

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