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Marketing: Blackthorn back on TV

Part of Constellation’s £24 million marketing budget for the Gaymer Cider Company has  gone towards a new television advertising campaign for Blackthorn cider.

Sporting the “Welcome back to Blackthorn” and “There’s no place like ‘Thorn” taglines, the £1m campaign is the first television advertising for the brand in six years.

Activity will be focused in the brand’s heartland regions of Scotland and the southwest of England. (Blackthorn is already the number one cider brand in the southwest).

The TV campaign, which will be supported by outdoor advertising, was launched in the middle of July in the southwest, and on 1 August in Scotland. The television spots will air in the evenings on ITV1, and are planned to return in November and December.

A further £3m of the Gaymer Cider Company’s marketing budget has already been invested in a TV campaign to launch Gaymers Original Cider.

© db August 2006

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