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Business Appointments: New boss in Bordeaux

Alain Vironneau will head up Bordeaux’s wine trade council, the Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (CIVB), after past president, Christian Delpeuch, resigned at the end of May.

Delpeuch had become frustrated by the French government and growers’ failure to address the region’s wine crisis.
Vironneau is a member of the CIVB’s committee and president of the trade association for Bordeaux and Bordeaux Supérieur. He also manages Châteaux Majureau-Sercillan and Tarreyrots.

Vironneau’s new role as president of the CIVB will put him in charge of France’s largest wine union, with as many as 6,500 members and a E22 million budget.

It also places him at the forefront of Bordeaux’s still significant oversupply problem. Has he the strength to accelerate a programme of grubbing up wines and heal troubled relations between merchants and growers? Only time will tell.

© db August 2006

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