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Scotch Exports Top £1bn

You heard it here first; a new cocktail sensation could be set to sweep the UK with the news that Asian markets are driving growth in Scotch exports through the popularity of, wait for it, Scotch and green tea.

According to new figures published by the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA), half-year exports of Scotch Whisky exceeded £1 billion for the first time in eight years, up 3% from the same period in 2004. Global volume also grew by 2% to 429m bottles.

Exports to China leapt by 124% in value to £22 million, and other key export markets have also shown strong growth, including Thailand (up 47% to £21m), Taiwan (up 25% to 44m) and South Korea (up 26% to £72m).

Other emerging markets are also showing promise, such as India (up 19% to £7m) and Russia (up an impressive 80% to £12m).

The USA remains the largest market by value, up 7% to a massive £152m, thanks to a buoyant cocktail renaissance. By volume, France is the largest consumer with 63.1m bottles (ahead of the USA’s 53.4m bottles) but volume here actually dropped 12%, and value was also down by 4% to £113.9m.

Gavin Hewitt, SWA chief executive, comments, “I am looking forward to visiting Beijing next month … to learn first hand about how this exciting market is developing a taste for Scotch Whisky.”

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