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BII Responsible Alcohol Retailing Campaign

BII launches new initiative to reinforce the British pub as a responsible retailer and cornerstone of British life

BII, the professional body for the licensed retail sector, today launched a major campaign to reinforce the responsible attitude of BII members to alcohol retailing and to emphasise the importance of the licensed trade. Today’s launch of the BII responsible Alcohol Retailing Campaign is the starting point for a long term sustained campaign.

BII believes that the pub is an essential part of British culture and society. Pubs come in many guises, not just high street drink drinking establishments. The aim of the campaign is to show the positive impact of pubs, their diversity and the real socially responsible people behind them. To back this up BII has commissioned a MORI survey, the results of which will be released next week.

John McNamara, BII Chief Executive, said: “BII has been working hard over the last 24 years to increase the  professionalism of the industry and a high level of social responsibility amongst licensees. I believe that this has been forgotten in today’s reactionary climate and as the professional body for the licensed retail sector I think it is our place to bring this to the forefront of people’s minds.

He added: “The British pub is unique. People talk, debate, eat, drink, meet friends old and new and relax there. Coffee houses are all well and good but when was the last time you went to a ‘leaving do’ in a coffee bar? Pubs in rural areas are the backbone of the community. Women’s Institutes meet in them, some contain the local post office and if some researchers are to be believed, contribute to a happy cohesive community.

He concluded: “The BII Responsible Alcohol Retailing Campaign is a long term sustained campaign to raise the positive profile of our public houses. It is just starting here and won’t be an overnight victory but as an organisation we believe in the importance of our industry and are prepared to shout about it.”

This initiative has been nominated to enter The Drinks Business Awards for the Responsible Drinking Message category. Click here for full details of The Awards.

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