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Sixth French Wine Awards

Now in its sixth successful year, the French Wine Awards for Excellence will take place on October 13.

This year sees two new categories included: UK Supermarket Buyer of the Year, an award for a UK retailer who has organised activities to raise the profile of French wines in a supermarket environment; and The Outstanding Contribution to the UK Market, for an individual from any sector of the wine industry to reward his/her contribution to the success of French wines.

The event that recognises the outstanding efforts that the wine trade has made to promote French wines in the UK will be hosted at the Banqueting House in London.

An independent panel of industry judges, comprising members of the wine trade and press, will select the winners, who will be announced on the evening.

The closing date for all nominations is September 2, so get your thinking berets on. For further details contact Sonia Shah on 020 7312 3636.

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