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White Russian Spirits

For "Russian spirits market" read "vodka market", such is the domination of the world’s favourite white spirit

THE TOTAL spirits market in Russia stands at around 156 million cases which places it at number 5 in the world ranking of spirits countries.  Not too surprisingly, the spirits market is completely dominated by vodka which accounts for 91% of all spirits consumption.

The other major categories are flavoured alcoholic beverages (FABs), brandy and liqueurs, which between them account for a further 9% of the market.  The remaining sectors account for just a fraction of total consumption.

The most important of these small segments is whisk(e)y which has grown rapidly in recent years, but still accounts for just 0.3% of total consumption.


Canadean are the world’s leaders in beverage market research, producing over 300 reports every year across all beverage categories.  In the Wines and Spirits category Canadean deliver the most comprehensive reports available anywhere with analysis of all key spirits countries by brand, product category, owner and distributor.

For more information contact Kevin Baker on 01256 394220 or on

All data printed on this page is copyright of Canadean Limited. No reproduction is allowed without prior permission.  Forecasts are indicative only and act as a guide to possible future volumes.

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