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What’s a mention worth?

A receding tide of press comment on wines in general has left Waitrose as the last remaining friend of the wine buff

Understanding the potential value of a journalistic endorsement in terms of wine sales has always been a fundamental goal of wine PR. The problem is a lack of reliable data.

So how do you measure this “kudos factor”? Ultimately, you might argue, the benefit can only be judged on a case-bycase basis.  But the In The Press method can be useful here.

The table (facing page) contains the percentage share of wine mentions by major newspapers since the start of 2003.  It shows that just under half of all newspaper endorsements come from three newspapers: The Times, The Guardian and The Independent. At the other end of the scale, the most exclusive club is wines which have been mentioned in the Mail on Sunday – just 2% of mentions since the start of the year.

Elsewhere, Joanna Simon in the Sunday Times manages to slip in around 5% of all mentions – despite the constraint of only having a couple of hundred words to work with.

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